FULL MOVIE:12 HOURS BEFORE I GAVE BIRTH-RADLER BEER MARATHON WHILE I BURP 46 TIMES AND I PEE IN MY TIGHT JEANS Play Video Today is my due date and I made this video 12 hours before I gave birth.I'm at home and I'm ready to go to the hospital when I have 10 minute contractions.,I'm a little scared of giving birth because my boy is more than 4kg.I need to calm down so I take some bottles of my favorite radler beer while I burp 46 times. I grab my thighs and I pull my legs way back and open wide. it’s time to push!.I take deep breaths and I do big long pushes.I breathe deeply and grunt as I push long and hard again and again It feels fantastic,almost orgasmic. I stay in this exciting labor position while I pee in my tight jeans.
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