Ummm ... I have accidentally stumbled at you on the CHRISTMAS MARKET. You looked so special and delicious. You smelled a mingling of sweet, slightly bitter molasses, honey, sugar, and warm spices like cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and ginger. I was extremely delighted when a FAT WOMAN agreed to sell you to me. I couldn't wait to get home to have a TASTE on your BODY! Before unpacking you I decided to TEASE you with how I was eating another SWEET FOOD on my CHRISTMAS TABLE. I could see it in your EYES how nervous it made you. Hahaha ... my dripping SALIVA even gave you a very small ... tiny BONER. You perfectly knew it yourself about your DESPERATE CONDITION when I started rubbing you against my BELLY. As soon as I had the last SIP of the yoghurt it was time for me to EAT you. So I started slowly crunching with my teeth on your CRISPY BODY. You desperately hoped that your SUGARY TASTE would stop me from eating you but it only gave me that SUGAR ADRENALINE which encouraged me to keep munching on your TASTY BODY as a beast. Well, honey you were bought to get eaten so you'd better just take it easy and ACCEPT your DESTINY as a CHRISTMAS SNACK that will end up in my MOUTH. ** To SUPPORT my VIDEO PRODUCTION ... if you want to see NEW VIDEOS of me - TIP me 5000$. * If you would like to get a CUSTOM VIDEO which will CATER to your FETISH - EMAIL me!
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