Sometimes, the truth hurts. Sometimes, it can set you free. On this day, I bless you with the gift of truth: that you are the absolute bottom of the barrel, a degenerate shoelicker, a complete low value male. What do you have to offer, anyway? You're stupid, you're ugly, you have no personality to speak of. The only thing of potential value you have at your disposal is, well, your wallet, and that is a depletable resource. The moment you're empty, any Woman would drop you without a second thought. Every fear you've ever had is true. And while at first, it might make you angry, you'll soon come to find the thought of being used solely for your money to be...erotic. What better way for you, the lowest iteration of the inferior gender, to show your reverence for Superior Alpha Women like Me? The viewer is assumed to be a man with a penis. Follow Me on Twitter @AllForArelia.
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