I’m shopping in a department store. I’m wearing a black and white shirt dress, my shapely legs are bare, on my cute little feet I have on my black ankle boots, and I’m lovely and snug in a very bulky pink Megamax. I make my way through the store, lifting up the bottom of my shirt dress in order to flash my Megamax as I go ;) It’s rustling like crazy whilst I’m walking, and looks so shiny and gorgeous under the lights of the store :) My bladder really needs emptying and I’m feeling very cheeky, so I decide to squat down in the middle of an aisle to empty myself! A warm stream pours in to my Megamax, making my plastic even bulkier than it was before! It’s such a risky wetting, because I’m in the middle of the store and anybody might catch me, but this just makes my bladder tingle with added pleasure :D When I’m finished, I stand up and carry on with my shopping, savouring the squelching sensations coming from my full Megamax. I might not have purchased anything, but that doesn’t mean it’s been an unproductive shopping trip ;)
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