You have a secret. You've been stealing my panties and hiding them under your bed. It was only a matter of time before I discovered them and now it's time to talk. You come into my room, where I'm laying in bed in a lingerie set and my favorite robe. You know why you're here, I dont know why you're even pretending like you don't. I pull the pile of panties out in front of you, and start teasing you for your fantasies. What have you been doing with them, love? I shove a pair into your face and you breathe in, deeply. I put a pair in between my legs while I coax the truth out of you. This is the ultimate fantasy though, isn't it? Having me here, in front of you, with a pair of my panties in your mouth to gag you while I stroke you with a silky lace pair. You don't have much self control, do you? I better go nice and slow, it's time to teach you some discipline. Let me count down for you, then you can cum.
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