Mommy/Dominatrix Scams are INCREDIBLY common online right now! Watch this video to arm yourself against the onslaught of CG Goddesses and AI Mistresses ~ Stolen Images & Wire Scams! "Catfish(ing)" Means Impersonating Someone Else Online and/or Making a Fake Identity Timecodes: 01:00 - The Basics 02:45 -Common Scams 03:40 - Troubleshooting Accounts 04:50 - A.I. Content 06:30 - Trust But Verify 08:00 - Future is Now THERE ARE WONDERFUL PEOPLE IN THIS SCENE!!! Don't Let This Scare You Off!!! Knowledge is Power. Knowing is Half the Battle! Enter Relationships With Confidence! That last face is not an AI face, it's Haley Joel Osment from the movie AI. You can tell it's a really funny joke because I have to explain it. Also, isn't all this AI stuff scary? I for one, reject our AI overlords, I like original programming and writing and sex. Part 2 on Pasties Coming Sooooon! Part 3 On Charities Incoming ~ If You Like The Videos It'll Be An Ongoing Series! RileyKilo/StayDiapered 2023 StayDiapered Dot Com - 18+ Transcaping Dot Com - SFW (still under construction after 16 years) "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again”
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