After a long day working you come home to find your rather fat girlfriend snacking on the couch.....what else is new? She always seems to be stuffing her face and lounging around the couch. As if her massively tight shorts weren't evidence of her gain, her shirt won't even cover her belly anymore. You think by now she'd notice her gains, but she's still just as oblivious as she was when she gained the first 50 pounds. You can't tell if it's oblivion or denial. The only thing you know is that her greed seems to get the best of her. When you ask her if she's gained any, she gawks with disgust. Her, fat? Never! She knows she orders out all the time, but try's to downplay it, but it's those little moments that really add up. She would never let herself go! She still fits in her shorts from years ago...but her shorts are so tight and are really cutting into her belly. It's hot how much she's managed to let herself go. She just couldn't care about anything besides sitting on her fat ass, watching her shitty tv shows, and just experiencing her own pleasure. It's fun to tease her a bit about her gain, she gets so upset! But you know that feeling will fade just as quickly as the next chip hits her lips. Afterall a moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips. She's just a greedy fatty begging you for pizza, but that's why you like her
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