Mandy Marx! Stroke your cock. Good boys get to stroke their cocks. You sent all of that information about the girl that you're close with but she's from your past. I want a little information that's... closer. Who's the closest girl to you in the whole world? I know that sometimes you get shy, especially over email, but that's not what we're doing now. Right now it's just me and you, a good boy with his cock in his hand, so why don't you just send me a quick little email that has your girlfriend's name? Just her name, just send me her name, just a little info. There's no reason to be shy, I know you're a very good boy. You are, aren't you? You're sending it, you're sending her information? Why don't you send that email right now. Send it right now and do you know what that will make you? A very, very good blackmail-fantasy boy. And I think that's what you are. So send that email really quick. Good boy. Now stroke your cock even harder because you're a really, really good blackmail-fantasy boy. You're just going to keep stroking really fast, and watching my videos, stroking and watching. And tributing along when you're told. Some days you'll just a little email that's going to pop into your inbox that will say, 'Today'. And that means that's the day you're tributing. 'Today'. Good now stroke for me really hard because you're such a good little blackmail-fantasy boy. Because scaring you is so much fun. And even though I could ruin you and destroy your life, I just like to scare you because you're such a good blackmail-fantasy boy and you'll always stay in line. You always do what you're told and you stroke really, really hard for me. You stroke and you watch my videos and you send little bits of more information. You send more and more information and when you get an email that say, 'Today', well you know what to do then, don't you? I do have all the information I could possibly need to out you and destroy you. I could ruin you life, but I just want to scare you. And every single time that you see an email coming from me, your heart is going to race. And soon you're going to get scared and horny every single time your girlfriend's phone rings. Every time, every time you hear a little beep or a buzz, you're gonna get scared. Maybe I finally did it! And then you're gonna get horny and scared and then you're gonna stroke. Scared. Horny. Stroking. But I just wanna scare you, we're just gonna play, we're gonna keep playing our game. Scared, horny, stroking, every beep, every buzz, every email, every notification. Everything trying to get your attention is going to scare you and then make you horny. And then when you're horny, you know what you have to do? You have to stroke harder because you're a good blackmail-fantasy boy. Stroke for me blackmail-fantasy boy. Stroke for me and send me just one more piece of information then we can keep playing our game. Stroke for me, boy. Scared and horny. Every notification. Scared, horny, stroking.
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