Being trans is an experience that's hard to understand if you haven't lived it. It's not as simple as getting surgery and then moving on with your life. When you're trans, you're trans 24/7. Adult Time's newest docuseries seeks to explore the varied and deeply personal experiences of what it means to be transgender in today's society. In each thought-provoking and emotional episode, a trans person opens up to share their unique experiences with the world, in hopes of creating a more compassionate space for everyone to live in. Trip Richards is a charismatic trans man who loves leading an active lifestyle and taking care of special needs cats. He also feels privileged to have the chance to be a public figure, to have a voice in this world. As a transgender person, he is passionate about spreading awareness and educating people through the power of words. Yet, he has no desire to be a celebrity, just someone who is worthy of respect and learning from. Trip was fortunate to grow up in a gender-neutral household, which helped him to dress the way that he wanted, have the hobbies that he wanted, and have the friends he wanted. It was only at the beginning of puberty that Trip realized that something was wrong -- that being viewed and referred to as 'female' was wrong. It was distressing, limiting, and very inauthentic, which is the reality for many trans people. What made it especially challenging for Trip was that he didn't know exactly WHAT was going on. Although there are queer people on television and gender is more readily talked about nowadays, it wasn't like that when he was first trying to figure things out. The vocabulary simply wasn't there to identify what he was feeling and experiencing. Instead, it felt like it was just HIM, that HE was just... WRONG. But today, with the help of his partner, Gilbert Man, Trip is ready to show the world just how RIGHT he feels as his most authentic self.
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