Hurry up loser. I told you you could fuck me for 5 minutes once a month IF you could get me off with your dick. You're failing miserably. My boyfriend gets me off in two minutes his cock is so big. Wow that made your little dick twitch in me didn't it? Are you trying to fuck me like he does? Just stop that. You're to pathetic and your dick is too small to try the pounding method. You have to rely on "technique" like all little dick guys. Come on. Your time is almost up. All right. This isn't working and your pathetic penis isn't good for this at all. Get off of me. On your knees. I don't know why I even let you bother trying. You are the worst fuck any woman has ever had anywhere, anytime. You are truly worthless. You know the rules. You didn't make me cum so you now have to eat your own. Then I'm going to lock up that pathetic little dick for two months. Yes I'm adding a month because I don't want to waste five minutes next month doing this with you. As it is I'm going to have to go and get fucked tonight by a stranger. My boyfriend has some piece of strange at his house tonight. Although I bet I could swing a three way. It would be fun to have a three way again. What? No bitch boy. I would NEVER bring another woman home for you to watch me fuck. That kind of thing is only reserved for real men. Come on cum already. I've got to get to ready to have one of the sexiest nights of my life. Without you of course. Come on cum and eat it
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