Goddess Natalie! Look who it is, my mindless little goonbot, ready to stroke some more. Same as usual. Nothing new for you. We both know that once you've had a little taste of this, you couldn't stop, could you? Once you started watching porn, you couldn't take your mind off of it any more. And look at you now, you're a chronic masturbating porn addict. When you first got started, you could still see your way out of this rabbit hole. But now, now you're in so fucking deep that you're trapped, trapped in porn, lost in your addiction. It's too late for you now. You can't escape. There's no longer a way out for you. This inescapable addiction has taken over your life. There's nothing but porn that glows from your computer screen. Glowing girls, filling your screen, addicting you further. Your brain has been corrupted by porn. Your brain doesn't function normally any more. Now that you've pumped away to porn for so long, your brain has become a porn brain. There's nothing inside of that brain except for porn. Your brain is empty, you're just a mindless stroke drone for porn. The only thing that gets you through your day is knowing that you can come home and sit in front of your computer and pump away to porn. You've become a lost, helpless porn addict. And do you know why it is that you have a porn brain now? It's because every single time you edge to porn, every time you come close to losing your mind as you pump away, your brain melts away completely. Your hand pumps more porn into your brain and now it can never return to normal. You've liquified your brain, liquified brain cells dripping away, never to return. And we both know what that means? First, it means you're getting dumber with every pump of that cock. You're nothing but a brainless little gooner. A stupid loser with a porn addiction. And the second thing is that your brain is becoming emptier and emptier with every single edge that you ride. And you don't watch porn to cum, no, you watch it to ride that edge as long as possible, even though you know what it's doing to you. The more you edge the more space you make inside of that little brain of yours, lots of space for me to invade. And that space that you've created is only getting filled up with more porn. Porn is invading your brain, it's taking over and you cannot stop it. Keep pumping to porn loser. There's no going back anyway, you're in way too deep in this rabbit hole of porn. You're way too deep to even try to escape, so you might as well let me push you down even deeper. You need to go deeper into your addiction and fill your brain up with even more porn. Now stroke away to porn. Jerk for me. Don't you dare stop. Pump more porn into your brain. Fill up all of those empty spaces. Never cumming, only stroking with your eyes glued to the screen and your hand glued to your cock, desperately pumping away. Jerk my little gooner. Stroke my little dopamine addict. Stroke your brain cells away. Pump that porn brain away. Pump to that porn behind me. Fill your brain up with even more porn, make it even more of a porn brain. Just edge your brain cells away. Ride that edge my little goonbot. Goon your brain cells away. Goon yourself stupid until you become a mindless porn addicted goonbot. You're not a man, you're a robot, and I like robots way better than men so that's exactly what I'm going to turn you into.
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