I'm hosting a party and I've indulged quite a bit. I step inside to get away from everyone because I find them soooo boring. I see you sitting by yourself and I start bitching about how boring everyone is. I'm feeling pretty gassy so I start releasing big huge burps. You get a bit annoyed, but instead of stopping I tease you and keep burping. I then offer to grab you a bev. After administering you a shot, you shrink down to my feet and I immediately begin taunting and teasing you for how small you are now. I pretend that I'm going to squish you with my foot, but stop because that would end the fun. I pick you up and hold you right in front of my face, burping directly on you a few times. Finally, I swallow you. 3rd Person POV: My belly is now very big (Fake pregnant belly). you've given me indigestion, so I keep burping for a bit by myself. POV of the previous viewers girlfriend: You come in looking for your boyfriend. I start on some long-winded story about your boyfriend coming in here extremely tipsy, probably to throw up or something. I say that I felt bad for him and called him an Uber to get home. You don't believe me, which is unfortunate for you because now I can't let you leave... I swallow you next. At least you're back together! 3rd Person: My belly has gotten enormous (Bigger fake pregnant belly). I lay back on the couch and try to get all the gas out, burping until the end of the video.
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