Wynter is Layla's weird, pious older sister. Wynter is done with a life of partying and boys, a born again Christian (CLOSET FREAK) with way too much time on her hands has ended up with a weird obsession of keeping her little sister "pure". Layla is masturbating in her room, enjoying herself thoroughly when Wynter walks in. Wynter demands to know why Layla has been acting in such hedonistic ways, Layla demands to know why the hell Wynter is in her room! Wynter scolds and lectures on how Layla shouldn't act like such a slut- Layla lips off, being bratty and well- a bit creeped out her older sister has such an interest in her budding sexuality. Wynter claims that she needs to keep her sister pure for god, but you start to wonder as Wynter's camisole slips down, revealing some smutty lingerie and she pins her younger sister to the bed, admitting she's put cameras in Layla's room. "You wanna act like a slut? I'll treat you like a slut!" "What, are you going to fuck me with the dick you don't have?" Wynter produces a huge dildo out of no where, she thuds it against her sister's cunt before lubing it up and putting it into her little sis. Wynter lectures as Layla continues to lip off- while getting fucked! Wynter is enjoying it a bit too much, as Layla learns what it feels like to be penetrated. But Wynter is going to make damn sure that Layla only takes fake cock until she's off to college! As long as she's in the family's household- she'll only be taking her sister's large dildos in her cunt, no real cock until this young lady grows up! Wynter may be a bit odd in her ways, but this is how she'll keep Layla pure.......or all to herself
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