It's almost time for Olivia to embark on a cruise vacation! You know what they say when someone goes on one? That people may gain 5-10 lbs (2.6 - 4.5kg) or a pound each day. It will be a 5 day cruise so we should expect to see at least a 5 lbs gain. So let's see the pre-cruise weight, so you know what Olivia is starting at. It's only been a month and a half since the last FATTER THAN EVER WEIGH IN . Before stepping on the scale, Olivia chats about tighter clothes and why she thinks she's packed on some weight even given the short time span. She's hungrier everyday and today is no exception - she grabs a big bag of chips and starts munching away on them. Weigh in time! She places her cute feet on the scale and sure enough the number is up from last time! This fatty doesn't even seem phased, but she's excited and hopeful about getting closer to her 400 pounds goal. Olivia is fast tracking her weight gain with these recent gains and this upcoming cruise!
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