Now that Faerie Willow's feet have been properly sensitised by the first round of bastinado, it was time to take her wrinkled soles to task for another of my favourite things - hot wax play! I tied her back down to the bed, feet at one corner for proper access. Wax is one of those strange sensations that plays out very differently from day to day. It can be almost relaxing and mild, or it can be on the edge of unendurable. What I was aiming for was surfing the edge of pleasure and pain the whole time. I was starting to get a better read on Willow's body language and breathing after the bastinado. So I could play around a bit with the variations available - heels are usually must less bad than toes, especially if you dribble the burning hot wax in between toes or worst of all under existing wax which acts as an insulator and stops the wax cooling off so quickly. Her arches were exquisitely sensitised from the bastinado (her soles were hot even before applying the first drip of wax). She was soon moaning and squirming and almost swearing as the sensations ramped up towards overload and overwhelming. Every time it was getting too much, I backed it down again, going back to drips on her heels. But even so her feet were soon covered completely in wax. I was far from done, though. So it was time to clean them off and start again. I wondered how she would respond to firm pressure as I slid my thumbs under the wax to dislodge it. Quite strongly, as it turned out! What would have been a mild massage sensation an hour before was transformed into an almost-unbearable re-stimulation on stinging sensitive soles! Of course, I needed a little help from a strap to clear off the last bits of wax - more bastinado to make her poor feet even more sensitive and tender! Then it was time for a second full and complete coating of burning hot wax on every square millimetre of her delicious soft soles. The Willow I untied was altogether more subby and subdued than the bratty version who had dared me to do my worst while I was tying her up an hour before. She dutifully complied with her orders to pick the small bits of overspill wax off the carpet - still bound hand and foot. <p>It was time to break for lunch and regroup before the next part of her submissive session....
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