Your world turns upside down when Cordelia finds your secret stash of porn and Her stolen panties that you’ve been wearing… but come on, babe, don’t look so scared! She’s had Her suspicions in the past, little clues and hints you’ve accidentally let slip however this was all the confirmation She needed to know EXACTLY what Her gift for you will be this Valentine’s day. You are seriously so lucky, what other girl would arrange a sexy surprise like this upon discovering what a secret slut you are! Cordelia is even going to generously teach you everything She knows, lessons in being the most confident femme slut! She’s even got a special outfit selected just for you, from heels to your lingerie. There is something incredibly calming yet disarming, in the way Cordelia takes this all in stride, an excitement burning behind Her eyes that She doesn’t try to hide. Oh, and one last thing, that hot bisexual stud (rumored to have a gorgeous dick) that you’re always eyeing is coming over too. Cordelia is surprised you didn’t confess these secret desires sooner, you should have known She’d be totally into this. Dressing you up, teaching you how to suck and fuck. This will truly be a night to remember.
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