I am so sick and tired of the treatment I am getting around here! Where is my company car, how about my company credit card? Why are you showing favoritism to the little blond bimbo at the front desk? I am tired of it, and now that I found out you are fucking that sexy secretary... Oh don't panic boss man, I don't want your pathetic money! A pity Raise! I have bigger plans. I will get revenge and you have to do it, because I do know YOU'RE MARRIED! I brought in my barber! She's going to buzz all your hair off, or I will inform your wife of all the company paid vacations you took with her! My barber.. well she's new, she might screw up. Don't hyperventilate! Buzz buzz.. oh look.. you are damn near bald .. oopse was that your eye brow! Hahaha!! Oh yes this is the best revenge ever, and maybe your secret is safe with me.. but don't make me have to shave you bald!
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