Domina Helena and I are experts at training sluts how to open themselves up to various forms of play and self acceptance. We do so often by using our brilliant masterminds along with objects like latex, heels, strap-ons with giant dildo attachments on them for a more FULL effect. Face it... you've been a short-comer your whole life. You don't have much of a sex life aside from the countless hours you spend watching porn along which you tend to not enjoy that much because you either cum too fast or you're just left feeling short and numb. Which is why you now turn to FemDom porn featuring giant cocks attached to hot, fierce Women in latex who turn you into the stroking bitch that you love to be every chance you get. It's good you understand that your place in Our world is to listen, obey and serve at your best. You don't want to disappoint two Dommes by always getting the short end of the stick. Consider this clip as part of your training towards your greatest purpose. Learn to please Us and you will grow to know submissive bliss as one of Our pets.
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