Feeling particularly kinky, Dolly chain smokes cigarettes in the bath while wearing her black pointy stilettos. She decides to take her smoking to the next level and after each huge long drag on her cigarette, she holds her breath deep down in her lungs and submerges herself underwater. While under the bath water she has her eyes open sometimes and when she eventually comes up she exhales and the cigarette smoke comes pouring our her lungs! She feels light headed but she loves the feeling. More huge long drags on the cigarette then back under the water she goes, her hair swilling around and she twitches as she tries hard to hold all the thick smoke in her lungs! Every time she comes up she breathes out and clouds of smoke come out of her lungs then she gasps for fresh air, before returning to smoking her cigarette and submerging herself! The risk of passing out turns her on and she just carries on holding her breath with smokey lungs under the water
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