I’m walking around a rural village and I’m feeling very soggy ;) I’m wearing a purple and white shirt dress, a black jumper over the top, on my cute little feet I have on a thin pair of socks and my pink sneakers, and I’m tightly strapped into a soaking wet ABU Barebum. I make my way along the pavement and I can feel my ABU Barebum squelching with every step that I take :) I squat down so that you can see up my shirt dress, and admire just how full and bulky my ABU Barebum looks :D I stand up and walk a little further, but by now I’m rather desperate for a change. I eventually come to a stone wall, and decide that I’m going to change here and chance being seen! It’s a very risky spot, but I don’t have much of a choice, and besides…the thrill turns me on ;) I squat down again and peel off my ABU Barebum, before getting myself into a lovely and fresh Goodnites pull-up. That feels so good. I love the thrill of an exposed outdoor change…especially when there is the feel of fresh plastic at the end of it :D
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