I’m walking through the car park of a big shopping centre :) I’m wearing a black and white jumper, a tight pair of blue leggings, on my cute little feet I have on my black boots, and I’m firmly strapped into a tight fitting Pampers. I pan the camera over my body as I walk along, so that you can admire just how tight these leggings actually are ;) I pull down the waistline slightly so that the top part of my Pampers is exposed, and at the same time I’m delighted to feel my full bladder starting to heave :D I make my way across a bridge, and I get a big kick out of the fact that people passing below are able to see what I’m doing ;) I can’t hold onto my liquid any longer though, so I squat down on the bridge and open the floodgates…but straight away I see that my Pampers has sprung a leak! My liquid has escaped and is pouring through my leggings, creating a huge wet patch in the crotch area! It feels so good to empty my bladder, but my leggings are now soaking wet and the colour of them really shows up the wet stains. It’s really noticeable, so the rest of my walk should be very interesting indeed ;)
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