Marisol Price! I want you to focus all of your attention into my tits. Go on, flatter me. Oh what's wrong? Are you feeling like you can't speak at all? You open your mouth, but nothing comes out. Awwww. Could it possibly be that you already feel entranced or taken by something? That's ok. Just breathe with me as you watch me. I want you to stroke up, nice and slow, and then I want you to go down all the way to the base of your cock. And then back up to the tip, yes, just like that! And then back down. Up again, and then down. If you didn't already feel completely entranced before I think you might be feeling that now, huh? Do you feel like there are big spirals in your eyes and you can't see anything except the way that my cleavage almost looks like two big round spiraling things that your eyes just naturally focus on? It's ok to stare. Stare and jerk. I want you to stare. I have such big tits that I just happen to like to show off. While you jerk and jerk and goon and get lost in them. Up, and down. I realized at a very young age that I could use these to my advantage. Guys get addicted to my tits. Obsessed with them. Addicted to them. Obsessively jerking to them. My big tits seem to come in handy in any situation really. If I wanted to get better grades, if I wanted a boy to ask me out on a date, if I wanted a boy to do my homework for me lol. If I wanted a man to wash my car, free of charge. It's like magic lol. And now I'm working my magic on you lol. Watch them bounce and don't lose your rhythm. Stroke up and down for me. Nice and slow, don't lose your focus. Pump it up and down and as you do, I want you to focus all of your attention into my tits. Breathe with me. Stroke to my tits. Up and down. Nice and slow. Stroke to my tits. Just like that. Good boy. You're feeling more and more entranced. Now I want you to jerk it faster to my tits. It's ok, I want you to jerk to them. I think that you're the type of guy who just maybe stares a little too long, makes it a little too obvious but I don't really mind that, in fact I like the attention. People always called me an attention whore in school, well who's laughing now lol? I love being that. In fact I love it so much that I go out of my way to make sure that every boy pays attention to me because it's something that I thrive on. It's like their energy is a resource to me. And that's why I wanted to get as many of you trapped as possible. And I think you're getting closer now and I really just want to harness as much energy as possible from as many weak and pathetic staring boys as I can. And they're all here watching me. They're here for me. I'm their Queen and they want to be my slaves. They want it so bad. Faster and faster. Pump to my tits. So what do you think, will you do my homework for me? (Giggle) It's ok to stare. It's ok to get lost. It's ok to jerk. It's ok to get stupid and lose your mind and give in to my tits.
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