I hope this video finds you well darling. I soo miss you. I'm very lonely now that you are shipped off overseas fighting all the bad guys and protecting America!! I remember our pool days together! When I would lay out naked and you and your friends would spy on me through the glass doors! Yes I saw honey! Then our pool days got more and more interesting...more intimate , just you and me! Oh how I miss those days when you would plant your face between mommy's legs and tickle my clit with your soft tongue. When are you coming home? I miss you!!! I made this video just for you!!! I want you to watch it when you are alone.....when you can unzip your pants and think about me....about us!!! Our special time together that we shared!! Oh and I bought this new red , white, and blue bikini!!! Yes honey, to honor you and all you do for me and our country!!! But come home darling, I love and miss you!! I salute you !!!!! Oh, and enjoy watching mommy skinny dip in our pool :) ENJOY
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