Cupid's Sabotage - Day 1 - The Builder. (Cupid starts off her mischief when she finds a lonely woman working in the construction industry. Though she works around many men every day, no man wants her. Cupid can sense that she's sad and lonely and this makes her giggle with joy. She decides to remind her just how alone she is by making her fall in love - not with a man, mind you but, seeing as she's so overly involved in her work, with her work tools.) A lonely female builder sits working alone in a clients house when a sharp stabbing pain hits her upper arm. Her head feels dizzy and she's overcome with a sudden lust. She spins around just in time to see that her client has walked in the room to see how she's getting on but, by now, her desperation is unbearable. She feels a strong urge to fill her pussy... but strangely, she wants to fill it with her tools. She doesn't care that her client is now watching her, shocked as she slips off her denim shorts and starts to spread her already soaking wet pussy to push the handle of a screwdriver instead. Her work tool feels amazing and she immediately begins to cream and leak with arousal from her pussy around it. Not satisfied, she slips a smaller screwdriver handle into her asshole and slips it in and out, moaning with pleasure. An even larger screwdriver fits back inside her now drooling cunt to double stuff her. No matter how much she feels her holes, she just can't get rid of this overwhelming feeling. Her client watches on with a mix of intrigue and horror as the builder experiments with more and more of her tool kit. Still unable to scratch to itch, she turns to her hammer and pushes the cold metal head into her now gaping cunt. She fucks herself with the tool violently, hammering it into her pussy before turning it around to use the handle which is the thickest yet. Her poor pussy is raw around the handle of her hammer but she seems unaware. Instead she writhes around, crying out with joy and pleasure as though she's being fucked by a lover. Her pussy convulses to an intense orgasm around her work tool, making it leak down onto her client's carpet. Her obsession hasn't left but her orgasm seems to break her free from the strange spell for just a moment as she apologises to her client for her behaviour. He tells her that she's fired... but she squeezes her tool belt close to her chest and just seems excited to go home.
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