Taking you back to a simpler time in life when your every need was met by a loving caretaker! In this POV video, I am your babysitter, buttering you up with loads of sweet talk and compliments about how cute and perfect you are as we play on your activity mat, use your teething toy, unbutton your onesie, settle your fussiness with a pacifier, change your diaper, and put you down for a nap. While I change your diaper and wipe you clean, I notice you have a circumcised penis, and I talk about your circumcised penis, circumcised penises in general, and that I think all boys should have them. I point out the cute characters on your new diaper and button you back up. I pick you up lovingly and tenderly as I settle you down in your crib for a nap. You're such a cutie! #abdl #adultbabies #diaper #diapers #babysitter #diaperfetish #circumcised #sweettalk #motherly #loving #caretaker #toys #diaperchange #wipe #wiping #praise #praising #goodboy #cutie #sweetie #adultbaby #diaperlover
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