Did you have a good nap!? Look at that smile on your face as you wake up to your favorite nanny. Wow....stinky farts after your nap are kicking in. *PEEEOOOW* You laugh as nanny makes the stinky face. Nanny has a fresh diapy for you.....so you might as well make a big stinky so this pant change can be one and done. Wow....I am a bit shocked with how bad the stinky stinkers is......making my nose crinkle with the stench. You love my stinky face as you fill your pants.......! So go on...finish filling those pants so nanny can change you before we enjoy the afternoon! After changing you....the smell starts again! You smile and I cringe realizing you are about to fill the fresh one now! How much is in you!? Oh my!
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