[12-2023] (English) Sofi is at the Dentist's waiting room and she is very nervous. Another patient is already in the waiting room. She tries to calm Sofi and tries to calm her but Sofi is so nervous hearing the noises from the treatment room she starts gasping and grabs her chest. Suddenly her heart goes full CA. The other patient Mia immediately calls for help. The dentist's assistant rushes in and they both start CPR immediately. Soon the assistant comes back with the AED and an MTM mask. They turn on the AED machine and follow it;s audible instructions. They cut off her bra, place the AED pads and push the button but there is no responses frolloing the first round. They have to perform more cycles of CPR, MTM mask breathing and more AED. These procedures are f9ilmed from many camera angles. Finally the patient's pulse returns to normal rhythm. An exciting on location resus clip with MTM-mask, CPR, cut off clothes and AED. For on location resus fans featuring newest patient Sofi. (in HD 1920X1080) - OPandER
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