Welcome to your NEW LIFE! A life in diapers and short skirts. Oh, and sucking dicks! You are gonna love it. AND my echoing voice, the metronome and ambient tones condition you mentally for your new reality. You are gonna wear skirts and diapers together now. why would I want you in a skirt? it makes it so easy for me to check and make sure you are wearing your diaper. And YES, the skirt will be short. Why? Short skirts and diapers looks SO CUTE together. Oh, might as well have you get your nails done and some cute pigtails too. That lil hint of diaper under your skirt is gonna turn guys on. It will make them extra hard. So yeah,. you will be sucking dicks. It is the ONLY way you pleasure men because your diaper can stay ON for it. And I don't wanna hear you complain that he makes cummies in your mouth. So I will keep a pacifier in your mouth to keep you from running it. The only time it comes out is when you are sucking dick. As soon as they cum the passy goes right back into your mouth. You are gonna be my cute diapered dicksucker. CRAWLING to men to suck them off. All this stuff will keep you in your place. And yknow, be HOT. LOTS of dirty talk and talk about how cute you will look. Hot and humiliating. This video is a PULSED version. There is an alernate version of this video simply called "Diapers Short Skirts and Dicksucking." The Pulsed version is identical except in the pulsed version my voice has an echo effect on it. The pulsed version also has a slow metronome beat and ambient tonal music in the background. The stuff I say is somewhat similar to my recent audio called "Mandatory Diapers and Skirts." However in the audio I talk about "being a man." I don't mention that AT ALL in this video. I personally think this video is hotter and more neutral (could be for anyone rather than just feminized men like the audio suggests).
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