Penny Lee is so angry that you keep coming home late. She has had enough and is not going to take it any more. She is going to punish you for this and is going to teach you a lesson. She is going to humiliate you by making you wear a diaper. She wants you wearing it for 24 hours, yes all night and then at work. Gosh your going to be such a stinky mess, people in the office definetly going to smell you. All your piss and for 24 hours are gunna be filling that nappy up. Will it last? How much of stinky mess will you be? However, this backfires, your enjoying this. Penny notices your stiff cock in your diaper. The thought of wearing your nappy and filling it turns you on.You cannot help yourself you have to start wanking. So Penny has to think of a new punishment, maybe she needs to wind you up soo much till your begging her to spunk! will your nappy handle a load of spunk too
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