You're tucking in your little girl Dakota when she tells you she isn't very tired... Maybe there are other activities you can do until she's tired.. Dakota grabs you, "I just want to play!" Dakota says you have stopped playing with her as much since you got your new girlfriend. Can you just play for her bedtime story? Dakota demands you to lay back on the bed, Or she will tell everyone! Especially your new girlfriend. Dakota takes off all of her clothes. "I want you inside of me... And I get my way!" Dakota jumps on top of you, and starts riding your cock. She bounces up and down..And she can see in your eyes how much you are enjoying it. She jumps off of you and shoves her pussy in your face and screams for you to lick it. Dakota lays back and screams at you to fuck her.. "You don't want me to tell your co-workers do you? On Father-Daughter day?!" She bends over and demands that you fuck her from behind... There's no way you haven't missed these goodnight stories, she feels so perfect, and loves every second of your cock inside of her. Dakota jumps back on top to take control of her Daddy.. She bounces up and down.."Daddy..Fuck your little girl!" She continues to make you fuck her until she cums..She turns around and rides you from behind.. "Give me those ...My little brothers and sisters...Give them to me now!" Like Father...Like daughter... You both cum everywhere, and all inside her. She sticks finger inside...and licks her fingers..."Hmm..How tasty my little brothers and sisters!"
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