The torment continues! Wielding my natural, feminine power has always been the greatest turn on for me, but seeing the visual of my pathetic slave actually locked in a chastity cage has enhanced my sexual ecstasy even further! I make him lick my toes and the arches of my superior feet as his cock swells inside its cage (the key to his freedom dangling from my ankle bracelet, inches from his face)...then taste my divine asshole and tongue service my glistening pussy until I lay down another goddess orgasm all over his face! Ever since taking control over and denying my slave's orgasms, mine have greatly enhanced! So it will remain this way. After my sexual satisfaction, I relax and text my bf as little chastity loser licks my pussy cum and kisses my alpha feet like a sissy bitch--thanking me for locking him up lol. What an idiot!! I tell him MAYBE I'll unlock him...sometime next year!! he will stay locked--I am his owner and key holder.
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