I’ve been enjoying this behavioral therapist that you have us seeing. When you first suggested it, I was a little taken aback—only because I thought that our relationship was pretty good. Now I see that it can be even better. Hmm? What was that, darling? Rhubarb? *** Wow! I just got really warm for a second. And I had this really weird vision of us…well…wearing diapers. Is that odd? God, I can’t stop thinking about them now. I have a really strong image of both of us diapered and playing with each other. But of course that’s crazy. We don’t even have diapers. I really wish we did, though. That would be so hot. I never thought of it before, but now I just really wish that we had some diapers that we could wear together! … You *do* have diapers? Right now? Well, what are we waiting for
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