Only a few inches away from such an attractive woman, the proximity is making you so hot that you want to bury your cock deep within her pussy. Maria Jade, on the other hand, is formed differently; she wants to be in charge and rule over you in any way she sees fit. So here you are, utterly yielding to this gorgeous woman while anticipating her attack. What’s she gonna do now? You think, dripping with anticipation as you watch her extend and wiggle her powerful, sensual hands teasingly at you. Maria Jade is a teaser; she wants to prolong your anticipation by arousing you and then abruptly relieving you so that you come to her begging for more. Rushing towards you, she crawls and scratches your tummy with her pointed claws. Her fingertips ruffling your skin as they move down your chest, to your armpits, and back to your crotch will leave you feeling overpowering, quirky, and throbbing. Your unwavering control to not fully submit to being tickled on your extra sensitive groin area just makes her enjoy tickling you more, and she won't stop until you jolt from the extreme satisfaction. Definitely a pro at satisfying guys with just the fingernails - throwing you right into an immediate erection with her greased, wet, and saliva-covered fingers. The next thing you know, your cock’s throbbing so hard in her hands! You could cum right at the very moment just by her tickling and arousing you. As you are about to cum from the getting intense cock tickles, she stops, looking at you with a naughty look. How does it feel to be so desperately pleasurable and then have your climax denied and prolonged until I want to release you? I'll make you laugh and jerk until your nerves eventually burst from oversensitivity!
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