I’m spending the afternoon playing video games :) I’m wearing a snuggly pink jumper, my shapely legs are bare, on my cute little feet I have on an adorable pair of penguin socks, and I’m firmly fastened into a very soggy Dino Rawrz. I kneel on the rug and chat with you, and whenever I shift my weight I can feel my Dino Rawrz squelching :) I choose the video game I want to play and get started, and pretty soon I’m engrossed. In fact, I’m so absorbed in what I’m doing that I’m barely aware of my bladder suddenly opening! A satisfying stream floods my Dino Rawrz, depositing a second layer of moisture on top of the first :D I can feel the warmth spreading around my crotch, but I carry on playing my video game and just allow nature to take its course. When I do eventually put the controller down, it’s because I want to stand up and shake my crotch so that everything sloshes around. Well, it would be rude not to ;)
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