Does anybody eat the first slice of sliced bread in the bag? What is it really made for? Why is it so ugly? What brilliant brain did invent it? According to my particular laws for life, it only has one purpose: to be peed muahahaah I am so evil! There is nothing you can do with it but make a mess of it. This will be funny: I will be the first one to soak it with my golden warm rain, just served from my pussy as if it was the farm cow´s milk for breakfast. I will take it off the bag, I will put it on a chair, I will move my red culotte away to let the stream´s way out clear and then... te slice is going to learn what is tough. It will be so soaked now that it indeed will be really useless. Look, I can even drip it! The chair is totally soaked too, also the pee falls down to the floor. The sliced bread is now a deformed soaked kind of paste which may be stuck on the ceiling hahaha. My pee is so clean and almost odorless, the bread still smells like bread! YOU WILL LIKE IT IF: You also throw this fucking first slice bread away. HIGHLIGHTED: I may also repeat the pee mess with the second slice bread in the bag... :D INDULGE YOURSELF, BUY ME NOW
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