I'm in control of your breathing today, this spring, this year, ALL the time... and oxygen is a privilege that you'll have to earn. You're going to jerk, stroke, goon your brains out while you hold your breath for Me. You'll be edging hard, lungs denied, and then gasping for air when I snap My fingers. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. HOLD IT! Stroke as hard as you can as you feel everything starts to spin. Who owns you? Goddess Helen does. You can't deny that now, not when I'm in control of your most basic bodily needs -- when your very breaths are Mine to grant or deny as I desire. The closer you get to cumming, the more oxygen deprivation I inflict upon you. When you're this eager to cum, and when I'm dangling the opportunity for an orgasm in front of you, you're too weak to resist My commands. You're My breath bitch, and you know it. You hold your breath again and start stroking for My countdown. Can you make it through to the end without gasping? Without ending up on the floor?
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