Oh honey, it's so nice to have you home. You've been away for so long! Why don't you come here and give me a nice, long, welcome-home kiss. There we go. What husband doesn't love a kiss from his beautiful wife? You look so happy. Can you taste my new lip gloss? Just takes your breath away, doesn't it? I'll bet you've missed my body, haven't you? Go ahead and pull your dick out and stroke yourself while I show you what you've been missing. Look at my luscious curves - my beautiful ass, tits, and pussy that you've been aching to touch again. Oh! Honey, are you alright? You're looking so pale... Could the venom from my lip serum finally be taking effect? Am I going to take all your money after you pass and wear this dress to your funeral? Is this slow, agonizing process taking too long for me, so I finish you off with a pillow? Yes, yes, and yes...
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