I'm the main daycare teacher and I announce that it is mine and my assistants favorite time of the day. Dirty diaper change time! I start checking your classes diapers and sending them to the assistant to get changed. Then I get to you, excited, I call you over to sniff your bum and peak inside your diaper. I tell my assisant that i will take care of this one myself. What a stinky daiper, I tell you to climb up onto the changing table and tease you about how bad it smells. I pull your pants down and then your diaper and gag a little from the smell but assure you I don't mind at all and love changing you. I gently wipe you clean teasing you about the mess and smell and then out a fresh diaper on with diaper cream and powder to keep you fresh. I tell you to go play with your classmates but before I send you off i explain that I'll male sure you get plenty to eat at lunchtime so that you have another big messy diaper for me later. You go back to playing and I see who's next.
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