RoxanneMiller ravages my tits - this was a custom order with the following instructions: "if you could lean forward or somewhere against it so that your tits can dangle down freely or even better if you can possibly lie down in the horizontal position on your belly so that your tits hang down freely (through an opening or something) so that a second girl underneath can grab each of your tits each one after the other individually with both hands and examines them with a visibly impressed facial expression gently and tenderly. she plays with your dangling tits in front of her face, like a little plays with something that hangs to the ground in front of him, pushes it, grabs it and tugs on it. totally fascinated she kisses each of your lovely big tits independently and extensively, nuzzles her face on them and sucks gently on your nipple as well while she pulls your tit towards her face. then she begins with a relaxing breast massage - she grabs one of your breasts with both hands and squeezes it extensively but firmly from all sides, kneading it slowly and tenderly between her hands. for a minute - and then the same with the other one. then she take one of your free dangling tits between her flat hands and slowly start rolling it as she would roll a roll of dough between her hands for a minute - the same with the second one as well. afterwards she picks one of your tits, encloses it with both hands up at the base of your breast and while applying light pressure with all her fingers on your tit she move her hands slowly down along your breast down to the nipple and start over again from the top and repeat this for a while - until she takes your other tit and does the same with it. until now she was very gentle and tender in dealing with your tits, but now she is getting slowly wilder and rougher with them. the girl starts now beating your dangling tits around with her flat hands for a bit, grabs then your nips and pulls your tits at the nipples very far apart and and then let go that they are falling down and clapping together, pull your tits again at the nipples very far apart and and then let them go again so that they clap together again nicely... repeating multiple times. then she grabs your nipples again and begins to shake your tits through intensively and uncontrolled for a minute and ends up afterwards shaking your tits evenly in sync so that they clap together nice and loud. she again take one of your free dangling tits between her flat hands and start rolling it again as she would roll a roll of dough between her hands but way more firmly as before, in between she simply stops rolling, squeeze your tit multiple times tightly with both hands and indicate as if she is trying to squeeze milk out of your tit by tugging it down tightly at the same time while squeezing it - to literally stretch it into the length. that way she rolls, squeezes and tugs down your tit for a while and does the same to your second one afterwards. after that she tries even more clearly to squeeze out milk slowly of your tit from the base of your chest downwards to your nipple by enclosing your tit with both hands up at the base of your breast and while pressing with all her fingers your tit together she move her hands down along your breasts downwards to the nipple. grabs your tit again with both hands up at the base of your breast and indicates to squeeze the milk in your tit slowly downwards to your nipple and starts over again and again and also switches back and forth between your tits. she rolls your tit again between her hands, licks and kisses your nipple and starts sucking it while she also starts sqzeezing and tugging your tit really hard in pumping movements towards her face. at the end she kisses your tits all over the place as well your nipples recognizably full of love and joy."
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