Sweet and gentle* diaper encouragement audio. Nice words over a lulling melody. Played on repeat can give a msmerizing effect. Meant to mentally condition you to wear diapers always as a key to your happiness. Put in headphones and listen to it all day long. Feel the logic of having Diaper Happies. "Diapers keep you happy and safe and warm and dry and CUTE! Diapers are for little ones. Grownups go to the potty. But grownups are always frowning, unhappy. So stay in diapers, stay HAPPY. stay little and safe and warm and kept dry. Being a grownup means being pottytrained and being worried. Stay little and happy in diapers..." *for something I make anyways. This is soft and gentle and more on the soothing side than my usual stuff. There is NO humiliation in this. It is more of a gentle message that is meant to be mesmerizing but in a very very sneaky kind of way. the lullaby type music has a tone that plays at regular intervals and lends an almost metronome like effect. Like I said, SNEAKY mesmerizing. This is an AUDIO file. An image has been attached to this audio to make it acceptable for upload on ManyVids, which only allows video. Nonetheless this is intended to be enjoyed as an audio file.
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