I wake up to my covers off and my shirt lifted up, and its exposing my whole bare belly. I feel like my bellybutton is sore and that my belly is filled with something I try to fix my shirt but then I'm slammed back down on the bed and my arms are pinned at my sides. I try to struggle but I can’t break free. As I rest up to gain back my strength my belly starts to expand outward and it hurts. After awhile of that I talk about how something feels like it’s trying to burst through my belly, and shortly after that I hear a voice speak to me in my head. It tells me that it’s a alien from space that has chosen my belly to fully develop itself. I ask how it got inside my belly and it replies through my bellybutton. It says it moved my sheets and shirt all to crawl in my belly. I ask how it’s going to birth it’s way out? It says it’s going to burst through my belly causing it to rip open. I panic and tell it not too and just come out the normal way. Then my belly fully expands and the alien says it can’t do that and to be honest it prefers to have my belly be burst open. Then my belly begins to pulse in and out more causing I great pain. The alien tells me it’s going to come out of my belly any minute now. I beg it not to but it ignores me and continues too fully expand my belly
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