WARNING : THIS IS THE HOTTEST MASSAGE SCENE EVER RECORDED!!! TWINS BRANDY AND SHARRON ADMINISTER A SLOW COCK-TEASING ORGASM-EDGING PENIS MASSAGE A SLOW....SENSUAL....TEASING MILKING WITH PROLONGED ORGASM CONTROL!!! Boy oh Boy!!! This Customer gets the surprise....and PLEASURE of his life when he visits the Jerky Girls Massage Parlor during Jerky June!! As you know, at The Jerky Girls Massage Parlor, the Girls Jerk-Off the boys......whether they like it or not. The surprise, however, is.....The Bobbsie Twins are on duty today!!!! Twin Sisters Brandy & Sharron work together (as always) ......while sexy new age music plays....to Administer what can only be described as....the Most Sensual Cock-Teasing Orgasm-Edging Penis Massage of all time!!! The customer is told that he must lie still and accept the slow Cock-Teasing from the twins. He is instructed that he is NOT allowed to touch himself. He is NOT allowed to "Hump their Hands"....and no matter how much he begs for the Twin Girls to speed up....they will NOT!! This is almost painful to watch at times as the Twins slowly Tease him....rubbing one finger up and down the shaft....sometimes even ignoring his cock for minutes at a time....while it throbs. Sharron sits on the customer's face.....and the Twins Kiss each other passionately while they Tease his cock. FINALLY....after 22 minutes.....Brandy stimulates the head of the penis....while Her Sister Sharron strokes the shaft and cups the testicles in Her Hand.....causing a Massive Fountain of cum to cascade out of the Teased cock. WARNING : This is the HOTTEST Massage scene ever filmed!!! HANDJOBS R US
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