Say ThunderAngie 3 times in front of the mirror in a storm night, and she will suddenly come up and throw a monstruous belch in your face... Don´t you dare to pronounce her name, unless you wanna try her bad mood over you. They say her lips glow in the dark like a magic shining ring, and her crazy big eyes look straight at you like a maniac just escaped from the asylum. Her throat makes the noisiest gassy echoes in the county. She will try to go through your mind. Her belches are heard miles away when they resound in the deep night. Everybody knows her legend, but what they really want is to see her with their own eyes. Mind your ears, mind your crotch... she will want to flirt with you and for that she will use her most powerful weapons, her pretty face and her thunderous belches. Only let her seduce you if you really wish to fall at her charm. Her noisy terrifying burps will embrace your senses. Only in that case let her possess you. YOU WILL LIKE IT IF: you are keen on strong sensations. HIGHLIGHTED: an original idea from ThunderAngie´s always boosting mind. INDULGE YOURSELF, BUY ME NOW
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