CUSTOM* I want you to play a sexy super villainess called The Ice Queen. Here is how the video would go. You'll pretend that I'm a captured superhero whose tied up in your lair. You can be sitting on a chair like it's your throne. You try to seduce me to your side with your sexy body and legs. You say that there is nothing that can destroy you. However what you don't know is I've got a secret weapon that can exploit your one weakness which is heat. So I trick you into believing that I've given into you. I say that I want to kiss your feet to prove my obedience to you. So of course you let me kiss your feet. And that is your one fatal mistake. Because I've coated my mouth with a super hot substance. You'll say that your starting to feel hot which is bad because if you get too hot you'll melt. The substance grows hotter over time so you start melting. You can just slowly slide down out of the chair and writhe around on the floor like your melting. Maybe the first half of the video could be the seducing part, and the other half could be the melting part. The only scripted lines I want you to say is "your making me melt!", "My sexy body is melting!", and "I'm melting into a puddle!"
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