THIS IS A CUSTOM VIDEO, if you want your own, EMAIL ME*** I'm sick and tired of my boyfriend always telling me what to do and over powering me. There HAS to be something in here to make me stronger. **Looks in cabinet, finds Popeye's spinach in the back** "No way, this only works in the cartoons right? Hmm I guess it wouldn't hurt to try!" I open the can and try some. Immediately, I feel my biceps slowly pumping up. WOW, it's working! I flex and flex and keep eating the spinach until my biceps are huge! I can't wait for my boyfriend to come home and see this! My boyfriend (you) comes home and demands a beer. "Um no way, come look at this!" I eat some more Popeye's spinach and flex my biceps in his face. He's so shocked at how huge they've gotten! I notice something though. As I flex, his muscles and gains get smaller and smaller! Haha yes! As he's shrinking I push him to the floor and straddle him. I'm flexing and flexing as I'm taking all of his power. I'M in charge now! Don't forget it!"
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