Welcome to your new school. You have been placed here by your family due to your bad boy behavior. Did you happen to notice that there are no boys in the grade above yours? That's because at this school we literally transform bad boys into good girls. You'll be receiving a mandatory set of treatments that will gradually change you into a gorgeous young woman over the next few weeks. Here's the first shot, right in your arm..you'll only feel a little pinch...there we are. I describe your upcoming transformation in graphic detail, from the change in your skin, to your new breasts. You will have a fully functioning reproductive system. You'll even be taking classes in cosmetology, home economics, and women's studies. Please, don't struggle against your bonds. You'll only make it worse. Besides, no one has escaped from this facility, ever. Escape is impossible. Trust me, you'll love your new life has a lovely (if ditsy) young woman! Trapped in your new school and transformed against your will
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