Hey I don't mean to pry but everyone has noticed that you've been really moody lately. Did something happen between you and that girl you were dating? I haven't seen her around in awhile and you haven't been talking about her. You guys broke up? That's sad. Why? Are you blushing? It's o k you can tell me. I'm your best friend. She said the sex was bad? I hate to bring it up but isn't this the third or fourth girl that's told you that? Have been trying all the things I told you? You've done all of them and more. I think that means there's only one other thing it could be. You have a really small penis don't you? Don't be embarrassed. A lot of guys are below average. You're well below average? How small could it be? Well now I have to see it. You can show me and I promise I won't be mean. I just want to help. Oh WOW! That is small. Like that's the smallest penis I've ever even heard of. They call that a micro-phallus don't they? What? Yes I'm going to be kind of mean because there really isn't anything nice to say about that little guy. I bet you couldn't break a virgins hymen. Or even reach her hymen. That is pathetic and.....is that little thing getting hard. HA HA HA! It already is hard? Was this your idea of seducing me? Come in here all mopey and sad thinking I'll let you fuck me to make you feel better? I would never let something that tiny and disgusting anywhere near my precious pussy. Yes it's disgusting. I can't even stand to look at it. Just out of curiosity how small are your cum loads. Oh no you're not putting that away and leaving. You came here to fuck me so you're going to cum. No not by fucking me. You've never "fucked" anything with that. Jerk that pathetic little thing. Go on. I'm not turned on at all but I'm just really curious to see if you can get any more pathetic than you already are
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