I look hot? Thanks honey. I want to make sure that my lover is impressed. Why did I never dress up like this for you? Are you serious? I do this, put all this preparation into my appearance, for him because there's a pay off. A big pay off. I look like this and he fucks me all night. He fucks me in ways you couldn't imagine. When he ravages me I'm glad I dressed like this for him. With you it wasn't like that. Remember when we first started dating and I would dress like this? That was because I didn't how awful you were in bed. I didn't know how small your dick was either. It was really just a waste of time to get dressed up for you. I would put all this effort into looking sexy and the sex would be over in two or three minutes. Granted you do like foreplay but that's mainly because you know that tiny little guy can't satisfy a woman. Not like him. He fucks me so good, for so long and so hard. I just can't enough and I want to make sure I deserve him. Unlike you. Having sex with you is such a let down it's like punishment. At least you get to look at me like this. He's almost here. If you want to cum tonight it's now or never. Pull out your tiny cock and jerk it looking at this hot outfit. You will never get to fuck me in this. He will tonight. I wonder: Will he rip my pantyhose and fuck me in them? Or will he take them off and tie me to the bed with them? Go on. Cum thinking about what he's going to do me in this outfit. Now eat it. Beta boys eat cum. They don't get to fuck their hot wives in hot outfits
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