Hey there sweetie... Do you like what you see? I bet you're shocked aren't you? That such an innocent girl has changed so much that she now fantasises almost daily about how you would look if she shoved this cute she-cock up your hoohah!Did you ever think when you first saw that innocent image of me that I was really into some seriously depraved ish? Well that was the whole plan silly... To play dumb until you fell hook line and sinker. Catch you at your stupid game. To fall for the 'innocent untouched' version of me. Only to pin you down (*literally even*) when you least suspect it and give you a taste of some premium she-cock! You know, I've waited so long for this.. Knowing that you are mesmerised and confused by the throbbing between your legs right now as you look at the slippery shiny schlong between my gloves. You want to do anything to please me. It is now hardwired into your system. But you realise that suddenly pleasing me is a very painful process indeed. And I am more than just slightly demanding. I guess it's a good thing you've been revealing your secrets to me as well. Because it means if you decide to back out of taking this next step with me I'll just have to say you did anyway to anyone I come across. And let loose some of your deepest darkest secrets for the world to enjoy
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