More Angis´s farts are coming, because you were waiting for them! After my succesful First Volume Compilation, I have more breaking winds ready to gift you, and more tits, pussy and asshole views! Natural, spontaneos, with no condiments, just as they come out of my esphincter, straight to your face. Made with 10 assorted clips, you will find out real Angie at home with her flatulences in the kitchen, the living-room, the toilet or the bedroom, even in the bathtub! Yes, aquatic farts are cool! You never know when a naughty fart is asking for free way, but there Angie is always ready with her cam to capture this tremendous moment and bring it to your table. Angie with her relieved face, Angie laughing out loud like crazy, Angie explaining her feelings after the thunder... Be a privileged witness of Angie´s (sometimes stinky) reality. Different sounds, different sizes: shy, fugitive, loud, quick, resounding, airy... which one you will like best? You loved my first Volume, darling... now you have more farting supplies to enjoy with! Didn´t you watch my first Episode? Really? You must be kidding, boy. What are you waiting for? Long life to Angie´s more authentic farts! YOU WILL LIKE IT IF: you never have enough farts in your life. HIGHLIGHTED: new and hotter poses make this Volume a great treasure. INDULGE YOURSELF, BUY ME NOW
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